Journalists’ Service: Without fear or favour

Tuesday 7th November, 2023, at 6:30 pm

An archive entry for this service, including audio and transcripts is available here.

A service to commemorate those journalists, photographers, camera-crew, sound-crew and support staff who have died on the frontline, will be held at St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 6:30pm.

The annual service, which is this year entitled Without fear or favour, draws to mind the dangers faced by news teams and the need for independent and professional journalism free from outside influence.

The Address will be given by The Rt Hon Sir John Whittingdale OBE MP, Minister of State for Media, Tourism and Creative Industries, and there will be a Reflection by Sophie Raworth, Journalist and Broadcaster, BBC News.

Sir John Whittingdale MP and Sophie Raworth

Readings will be given by Holly Williams, Foreign Correspondent, CBS News, and Lord Black of Brentwood.

The service is free and open to all; please register to attend.

The service will be led by Canon Alison Joyce, Rector of St Bride’s with music performed by the renowned St Bride’s Choir.

The retiring collection will be shared between St Bride’s Church, the spiritual home of journalists throughout the world, and The Rory Peck Trust, which provides practical and financial support to freelance journalists and their families worldwide, assisting in times of crisis and helping them to work more safely and professionally.

Our ministry to journalism is one of the most important and distinctive aspects of our life at St Bride’s. We hold this service of remembrance each Autumn. There is an archive of audio and transcripts from past services here.

A candle burns on our Journalists’ Altar to remember in prayer those working within the media who have died, been injured, held hostage, or whose fate is unknown.

Journalists' Altar in the North Aisle of St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London

Top photo credit: Roberto Schmidt

congregation sitting for service


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