Inspire! Service
One of the highlights of our year is the annual Inspire! Service. We invite all our friends and supporters, those who have been married or baptised here recently, and anyone else who would like to join us (absolutely everyone is welcome!), for a Choral Eucharist in which we give thanks to God for his many blessings to us, and celebrate all that is special about St Bride’s and its people.
Inspire! Sunday 2023 will be on Sunday 24th September.

The St Bride’s Orchestra normally joins us for the event and we share a glass of fizz after the service. It is a wonderful opportunity to renew existing friendships and make new ones – and it is the one service in the year when congregation members get to choose the hymns!
Special resources are available for children at this service, who are always warmly welcome to join our regular Sunday Club activities.

All Souls’ Service
Every year at All Souls’ tide (normally the Sunday closest to 2nd November), we have a special early evening service to commemorate friends and loved ones who have died, whether recently or many years ago. This service is both poignant and hopeful, as we rejoice in the resurrection and the promise of new life in God.
The church lights are dimmed, as we read the names aloud and light candles in their memories. An anthem is sung in the candlelit church as dozens of living flames flicker on the altar, symbolising our loved ones who are now held safe in the arms of God.
This year’s service is on Sunday 30th October at 5:30pm. Further details…

St Bride’s Brides and Grooms!
On a Sunday evening during the summer, we invite back all those who have been married at St Bride’s (whether recently, or many years ago), for a special service of thanksgiving and reflection, recognising both the joys and the challenges of married life. We include those who have been widowed, or whose marriages did not survive the test of time, in an event that is beautiful, gentle and prayerful.
Refreshments are served in the Rectory garden after the service (weather permitting!).
The next services will be on Sunday 2nd July 2023 at 5:30pm.

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